Tree Protection

Yards uses temporary fences for tree protection and offers proactive and versatile solutions. It not only ensures compliance with regulations but also prevents damage, preserves the aesthetics of the environment, and promotes the long-term health of the trees involved in the project.

Tree Protection Benefits

  1. Prevention of Damage: A temporary fence creates a physical barrier, safeguarding trees from accidental damage caused by construction equipment, pedestrian traffic, or other potential hazards.

  2. Root Protection: Construction activities can pose a threat to the root systems of trees. A temporary fence helps delineate areas, preventing heavy machinery or foot traffic from compacting the soil around the tree roots.

  3. Preservation of Canopy: By establishing a clear boundary, a temporary fence ensures that the canopy of trees remains undisturbed. This helps maintain the health and natural form of the trees.

  4. Compliance with Regulations: Many municipalities and construction projects require the protection of trees as part of environmental regulations. Using a temporary fence demonstrates compliance with these guidelines.

  5. Visual Barrier: The presence of a temporary fence acts as a visual deterrent, signaling the importance of preserving the designated tree areas and discouraging any activities that may harm them.

  6. Educational Value: Temporary fencing can be accompanied by signage or information indicating the importance of tree protection. This educational aspect raises awareness among workers and visitors about the significance of preserving trees on the property.

  7. Project Efficiency: By protecting trees during construction or landscaping projects, the overall efficiency of the project is improved. Avoiding damage to trees minimizes the need for costly replacements and ensures the long-term health of the landscape.

  8. Enhanced Aesthetics: Temporary fencing contributes to a visually pleasing environment by maintaining the integrity of the landscape. It helps in preserving the natural beauty of the area, even amid construction or development activities.